Creating & Game Design with Kahran & Divya
Season 4 Kahran Singh Season 4 Kahran Singh

Creating & Game Design with Kahran & Divya

We dive deep into the creative process, and our roadblocks and success there, before pivoting into game design, and the wealth of games that came up in Divya's conversation with Anurati Srivastva and the fascinating ideas from Kahran's conversation with Katieann Vogel.

Theme music is by Akshay Ramuhalli, you find him @btrptmusic. Editing by @beatnyk.

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Katieann Vogel on Unblocking Yourself, Finding Fulfillment & Creating Art with Kahran
Season 4 Kahran Singh Season 4 Kahran Singh

Katieann Vogel on Unblocking Yourself, Finding Fulfillment & Creating Art with Kahran

Katieann Vogel, an ocean poet, speaks with Kahran this week on the path from computer science to becoming an ocean poet, what it means to spend your life in nature and creating, and how to find a sense of stability and centeredness.

You can find Katieann on her website,

Theme music is by Akshay Ramuhalli, you find him @btrptmusic. Editing by @beatnyk.

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Meghana Srinivas on Rituals, Feeling Safe and Finding your Tribe
Season 4 Kahran Singh Season 4 Kahran Singh

Meghana Srinivas on Rituals, Feeling Safe and Finding your Tribe

Divya and Meghana discuss about Meghana's journey from being a cancer researcher to a startup founder, and her experience of working in an industry that requires a lot of emotional labour and how she finds her balance through rituals. They also discuss her uncanny ability to bring the most nurturing and safe groups together.

Theme music is by Akshay Ramuhalli, you find him @btrptmusic. Editing by @beatnyk.

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Thinking on Being Successful with Samhita Arni
Season 4 Kahran Singh Season 4 Kahran Singh

Thinking on Being Successful with Samhita Arni

When you write your first NY Times bestseller at the age of 8, do you feel successful all your life? Is there a successful identity? Or is chasing success a Sisyphean task?
Kahran and Sam Arni have an incredible conversation, talking about culture, what it means to add value, and how you feel successful, for yourself and also for those around you.

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Thinking on Finding your Path, Making a Startup & Walking Away from Academia with Aditi Dimri
Season 4 Kahran Singh Season 4 Kahran Singh

Thinking on Finding your Path, Making a Startup & Walking Away from Academia with Aditi Dimri

Divya talks this week with Aditi Dimri, co-founder of, about starting her career in academia and microeconomics before finding her desire to for fulfillment took her to more direct desires to help — first to more actionable projects, and then to starting a company herself! Fascinating to see how small a role a sense of identity played a role in her life, as different then computational mama or Manasi K in our first two episodes this season!

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Thinking on Coding, Creativity & Culture with Computational Mama
Season 4 Kahran Singh Season 4 Kahran Singh

Thinking on Coding, Creativity & Culture with Computational Mama

Divya talks with Computational Mama about her journey into coding; finding herself as a coder after being a designer; ideas of identity; how art, culture and coding intersect, as well as Computational Mama's journey in the moniker being born, having a son, and introducing coding and design to many others, from museums to live streams to workshops in GenAI and also to teaching other mothers about coding and the possibilities for fun within the coding world

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Thinking on Patriotism, Law & Life with Manasi K
Season 4 Kahran Singh Season 4 Kahran Singh

Thinking on Patriotism, Law & Life with Manasi K

Kahran & Manasi Khare have a sweeping conversation about law, pretending to be someone else, systemic thinking in the Indian context, and what it means to be a patriot. Manasi Khare is an in-house advocate and formerly was a practicing litigator at a law firm. She has been involved in public policy research with a standing parliamentarian. She is a lover of the mountains, and lives in Bangalore with her husband Harsh.

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Thinking on Accepted Truths, Defaults and How We Got Here
Season 3 Kahran Singh Season 3 Kahran Singh

Thinking on Accepted Truths, Defaults and How We Got Here

As engineers we do not learn to take responsibility for our users' attention -- and in fact we learn the opposite -- grab more market share at all costs! Where has this perspective taken us? We explore this idea from the view of Meta's choices, but also from the perspective of defaults, and how when we perceive something as a constant, it completely changes our frame of reference when we problem solve.

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Thinking on How LLMs (&GenAI) have Changed Our Thinking
Season 3 Kahran Singh Season 3 Kahran Singh

Thinking on How LLMs (&GenAI) have Changed Our Thinking

We've started to seeing difference in the way we think and create since we started using LLMs. From tactical things like remembering ear-worms, to abstract things like how we value ideas, we've found ChatGPT & Midjourney & GenAI have changed the way we think, work and create.
Kahran and Divya also discuss thieves cant, translation, learning, curating and accessibility of information. It's one of our first impromptu recordings, and we hope you love it as much as we did recording it!

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Thinking on the Creative Process
Season 3 Kahran Singh Season 3 Kahran Singh

Thinking on the Creative Process

Motivating yourself, especially on self-driven projects, can be hard. Once you finally have something works, how do you keep evolving it? We talk this week on breaking out of creative ruts and how to evolve, using the podcast as a meta example.

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Thinking on Designing Expectations
Season 3 Kahran Singh Season 3 Kahran Singh

Thinking on Designing Expectations

How do you create pre-experiences to put people in the right mindset for your experience? How do those create expectations you can exceed? In this wide reaching conversation we discuss Seth Godin, activation energy, fine dining (including Mesa, Eleven Madison Park, and other Michelin 3-star restaurants, tho not by name!) and what it means to create expectations (and how we as designers create them for other people).

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Thinking on how Different Learners Solve Problems, Buy Goods and Go on their Customer Journey
Season 3 Kahran Singh Season 3 Kahran Singh

Thinking on how Different Learners Solve Problems, Buy Goods and Go on their Customer Journey

We know different learners learn differently, but how do different learners create works, get inspiration, or decide products or services are right for them? The customer journey changes for different types of learners. This week we look at how we use wish lists, how we solve problems, and how we buy things, both products, goods, and services.

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Thinking on Work after Covid-19
Season 3 Kahran Singh Season 3 Kahran Singh

Thinking on Work after Covid-19

Is it right to have work from home when not everyone can? How do we resolve moral questions about fairness in a post-COVID world? This week we explore post-COVID work, thinking about how local governments, small businesses, and larger businesses, including tech companies, can navigate questions of costs, morals and what values are worth paying for.

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Thinking on Serendipity & Making Life Work for You
Season 3 Kahran Singh Season 3 Kahran Singh

Thinking on Serendipity & Making Life Work for You

How do things work out for successful people? How do you make things work out for yourself? Is it positive psychology, or can you actually influence outcomes just by trying to make it happen? We explore these questions, and others, in this episode -- though we start off with Divya doing an amazing job of explaining nuclear physics! Like who knew that every element with an atomic number higher than lead was likely to eventually break down into lead! :-)

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