Tatsam : Product

Product Strategy and Design, User Experience and Interface

Project type

Creating a product to build trust and faith with user, and to create intrinsic motivation

Of note

An app that feels like your companion

Sometimes what you create needs to extend in its impact beyond the screen that it exists on. How do you build a product that feels warm and welcoming and playful while retaining the sincerity.

One of the most critical pieces of journey when a user is interacting with a mental health product is right at the beginning. Do they feel seen, heard and understood?

This knowledge led us to build an onboarding with focus on the user and build a rapport with them.

It can be challenging to find the balance between giving the user what they want and prioritizing the business needs.

We set the signup a lot further down the line for tatsam so that the user actually gets a taste of the product and how it could be useful to them before we ask for the first sign of investment from them.

Next step was to make the intro something that stays with the user. We opted for a variation on the standard carousel that you might encounter with most apps. Except that you are rolling a ball over a hill. Its hard, until a tiny ball representing tastam joins you and then its a lot easier to move up the hill. That is what we wanted tatsam to be, a way in which users can actually feel that they have a trusted friend on the difficult journey to the self.



